Vacations For Single Parents: Discover the Best Vacation Tips for Single Parents with Kids.


If you're a single parent, certainly you're facing a number of challenges on everyday basis. So, for you, planning a vacation seems an additional stress to you. Isn't it? But if you go for a 'planned' trip with your children, it will definitely lessen your day-to-day monotony and you can enjoy your much-needed break to get you refreshed at least, for some days.

In this article, I'll provide a comprehensive guide so that you can avail this vacations time to time with least stress.

A) Benefits of taking a vacation as a single parent:

There will be waiting many benefits for you and your child/children while taking a vacation. Vacations offer a break from the daily monotonous life. You can relax and recharge. Vacations create a bond between you and your toddler. While on vacations, you get an opportunity to explore new places and cultures.

B) Budgeting for a vacation as a single parent:

Though to prepare a budget for vacations is truly an added stressful as a single parent because a single parent runs his/her family with limited funds, however, once you've prepared it, you'll see it's not so expensive as it looks.

Determine your overall budget including travel accommodation, food and activities. This will be a wise decision if you make off-season trip as everything is then available at half price.

Try to find coupons or discounts to avail the package as low as possible.

C) Choosing the right destination:

Try to choose such a destination that is preferred by both you and your child.

Always consider factors such as, safety, accessibility and affordability. Opt for a destination that allows you plenty of quality time to spend by both you and your child.

D) Tips for travelling with child as a single parent:

Travelling for a single parent with child may be a rewarding experience only if you have right and proper preparation for the vacations. With you, take only essential items. Always take a stroller or baby-carrier to make transportation easier.

E) Best vacation ideas for single parents:

There are a great number of vacation ideas that suit a single parent while planning for outing. Try to book 'All-inclusive' resort where you'll get meals, activities and childcare included under the the same package. Grab any offer for outdoor vacations if available. If found, you'll have the chance to explore nature with your child and create a lasting memories.

F) Group vacations for single parents:

Group vacations offer single parents to meet other single parents and thus you can create a friendship. So, find out group trips that are basically designed for single parents.

G) Adventure vacations for single parents:

Adventure vacations can provide a chance to create a bond between you and your child. So, you're out, consider hiking, camping trips and enjoy among the nature, miles away from the modern technology.


In conclusion, a single parent can relax and spend quality time with his/her child by joining vacations. However, before stepping ahead, single parents should research and plan carefully, considering the factors like, safety, affordability and accessibility. Always seek help or advice from any travel expert or experienced single parents.

So, if you think a little bit about your planning for vacations, it would definitely be a rewarding and memorable experience for both you and your child.

Happy Vacations!
