Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns: Do Newborns Dream?


Are you the parents of newborns? If the answer is in affirmative, ask yourselves, haven't you ever thought whether your little ones dream or not? Learn that research suggests that babies dream. I think, by this time you have become very much curious to know about the dream your newborns dream during sleep on regular basis, isn't it?


In this article, I'll tell about newborns' dreaming and how do this impact on the development of your dear little ones.

Do Newborns Dream?

The idea of newborns's dreaming was first thought in 1950 but unfortunately it couldn't go further until it was 1980 when scientists first started exploring the idea in more detail through extensive research works. Then, after a long research by the scientists, the concept of newborns' dreaming has achieved a seal of approval.

The research says that during the sleep cycle, dreaming is not only natural but is essential part also among newborns.The research suggests that when a newborn's eyes move rapidly during sleep, this means dreaming is being occurred and the brain of the newborn is in active process by which the brain is under development process.

What Kind of dreams a newborn dreams?

According to research, a newborn's dream generally include colours, sounds and sensations. Babies(newborns) can not dream anything complex as the adults do because their brains are not fully developed so far. However, scientists opine that newborn's dreaming plays a great role in their all round growth and development.


The information what a newborn collects through dreaming throughout the day and night, helps develop a newborn the cognitive and motor skills.

How do the dreaming of newborns affect their development?

For development, dreaming for newborns are necessary. Dreaming helps a newborn gather information that finally boost their cognitive and motor skills. Suppose, a particular sound is exposed to a newborn on regular basis, he newborn would identify the sound in a fast and better way soon.

This process may be considered "Brain Exercise" of a newborn and thus, the strength or power of retaining memories increases and in this way brings an overall development of a newborn.



In conclusion, this may be said that scientific research suggests that newborns dream and these dreams play an important role to help a newborn to develop cognitive and motor skills.

Finally, it is suggested that being the parents of a newborn baby you should help your little ones to get enough uninterrupted sleep to aid the dreaming process which is truly necessary for overall development of your loved little ones.
